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读《鲁滨逊漂流记》有感 他是一个坚强的勇敢的漂流者。











Robinson Crusoe.I read Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. I was deeply attracted to this book, it makes me realize that Robinson the amazing perseverance and indomitable spirit.Robinson is the hero of this book. In a navigation, Robinson riding in a boat ran aground near the island, the ship seaman and passengers were all drowned, only one Robinson was lucky to survive. The waves roll him on the beach. After overcoming the initial pessimism and despair he, with his indomitable perseverance, struggle with nature. He relies on his own hands and wisdom, the use of guns and simple tools, self-reliance, self reliant and played a desolate island life. Through unremitting efforts, he not only had their own homes and furniture, as well as pasture, planting Park, and even a pet. In such difficult circumstances, to live such a life is not easy, it is his perseverance and wisdom to create a miracle.Actually, Robinson is a good at helping others, he from a gang of cannibals rescues a captive, that day is Friday, so will give him the name called Friday. From then on, Friday became his faithful companion and servant. Robinson also taught him to learn to speak English. Soon, he and from cannibals rescued several prisoners, and they work together, common life. Later, aboard a British ship through the desert island, Robinson helped captain subdued the rebellion sailor, boat to leave the island and return to the UK, live a happy life. Rubin Xun from victim to a desert island to return to England, this time for up to 20 years.Read this book, I was deeply moved. A person caught in an impasse, unexpectedly can such to life full of confidence, the courage to face life, create life, is really commendable. I understand that, no matter when and where, no matter how much difficulties, not to be afraid of difficulties but to bravely face the difficulties and overcome difficulties, always maintain a positive, calm and optimistic attitude, to face the challenges and doom. Only in this way can we like Robinson, that is always a victory.鲁滨逊漂流记读后感 我读了笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》.我深深地被这本书所吸引,它让我体会到了鲁滨逊那惊人的毅力和百折不挠的精神.鲁宾逊是本书的主人公.在一次航海中,鲁宾逊所乘的船在一个荒岛附近触礁,船上的水手和乘客全被淹死了,只有鲁滨逊一个人幸运地活了下来.海浪把他卷上了沙滩.在克服了最初的悲观与绝望之后,他凭借自己顽强的毅力,与大自然展开了英勇卓绝的斗争.他依靠自己的双手和智慧,利用枪支和简单的工具,自力更生,自食其力地过起了荒凉的野岛生活.经过不懈的努力,他不仅有了自己的住所和家具,还有牧场、种植园,甚至还养了宠物.在如此艰难的情况下,能过上这样的生活,是很不容易的,这完全是他凭借自己的毅力和智慧创造的奇迹.鲁宾逊是一个善于帮助别人的人,他从一帮食人族手中救下一个俘虏,那天是星期五,所以就给他取名叫“星期五”.从那以后,“星期五”就成为他忠实的伙伴和仆人.鲁宾逊还教他学会了说英语.不久,他又从食人族手中救出了几个俘虏,和他们一起劳动,共同生活.后来,一艘英国船只经过荒岛,鲁宾逊帮助船长制服了叛乱的水手,乘船离开荒岛,返回英国,过上了幸福的生活.鲁宾逊从落难荒岛到返回英国,这段时间竟长达二十多年.看完这本书,使我深受感动.一个人身陷绝境,竟能这样对生活充满信心,勇敢地面对生活,创造生活,实在是难能可贵的.使我认识到,人不论何时何地,不管遇到多大的困难,都不能被困难吓倒,要勇敢地面对困难,克服困难,始终保持一种积极向上、从容乐观的心态,去面对和挑战厄运.只有这样,才能像鲁宾逊那样,永远是一个胜利.


Reads Lu Binxun To wander Records has the feeling The novel Lu Binxun Wanders Records continuously deeply isreceiving the general students' favour, is bringing to this bookcuriosity, entered together along with the leading character in thisbook. Entire emphatically described Lu Binxun to overcome the one difficultyon top of another on the desert island through own work, finally hasdefeated the bad environment, Friday together returned to the hometownwith 土著人, on happy life story. I most appreciate am not Lu Binxun industrious and brave, but is hethat astonishing psychology bearing capacity. It can be imagined, analone big live person alone has lived on the desert island for severalyears, nobody accompanies him, even most basic, with a person simplysaid the little while speech all cannot achieve. Entire goes out ofcultivation on the island does not have the house, does not have therice paddy, only can depend on he laboriously to make









After reading Robinson Crusoe, I am shocked at it, and I really admire Robinson. I admire his spirit of not retreating when being in trouble. He lived in an uninhabited island for about 26 years and encountered many difficulties which are beyond our imagination. He survives on his perseverance and faith; what's more, he created the new life. His spirit is worth learning, which is that we can't surpass. I still more admire his ability of bearing loneliness. From my point of view, all of us are survive in the society without families and friends. If I were Robinson, I should rely on myself to survive but I couldn't bear the isolated life. Now we may not aware how important the emotion is. However, if we encounter that condition like Robinson's, we may know that we are not individuals, and we can't live alone in the world. Kinship, friendship and love are indispensable in our life, and they are priceless treasure which are worth maintaining by our life.






















Reading Robinson Crusoe felt not long ago, I read a book called Robinson Crusoe. Robinson had thought about a wish : to sea! At 18 years old, he and his partner took a boat. Suddenly, had sunk. Robinson is only one person to smooth the island, and began in an uninhabited island to a tourist. Robinson, on the island own bread, made baskets and ceramics. They used wood and made a wooden raft, then turned the boat to go. Braving the risk and return to the island. After returning to the forest, it was found that evokes a wasteland, so do ourselves a rigged a forest. People and the opposition of his hands to save a person named Friday. He is so hard, trained as a baker. He is so strong, the waves can impact safety to the island. He is so courageous, the opposition People's pursuit, rescued one person. Because Robinson is a hard, strong and courageous people will use their own strength to overcome all sorts of difficulties. If I were Robinson, I will not, as he did, to his training as a baker, I would think : several bread have done so bad that I simply do not practice! I would not like the waves impact of the strong to return to the island, I would think : If I go by the big waves blowing, the how do? I will not, as he did in 1911 under a manhunt to save a people. If I see the light of a savage people, I came here, I would think : From then on, Savage came, quickly fled! I think I was a small girl, in the face of Robinson then doggedly spirit, I was far behind the. Reading the Robinson Crusoe, I was his stubborn persistence has deeply moved. We should learn Robinson kind of hard, strong, brave spirit.带翻译的,希望能帮上你的忙。


Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe that was first published in 1719. This novel describes the legendary experience ofRobinson drifting on island, overcoming difficulties and his hard pioneering experience. He lived alone in a small island, so that he had to plant crops to feed himself and build log cabin to live in. He experienced various hardships and ultimately survived. But he still tried hard to come back to real world. After 28 years, he finally came back to England. This novel gives me some inspiration. It tells us that no matter how hard the situation is, we can't give up and we must hold the view that we can do it.




NO.、2 在鲁滨逊认为,天底下没有什么人类克服不了的困难,只要人类充分利用自己的智慧与双手,一切难题都将迎刃而解。



NO.3 我们应该学习他这种不怕困难的精神,无论何时何地都坚强地活下去,哪怕只有一线希望也要争取,决不能放弃









